From: Jim Boyer []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:18 AM
To: Jim Boyer
Subject: FW: Land Use Death Panel Approved
This is an example of how fast they work and how widespread their
efforts are. It is no secret that we are suing over the SMP so, while we spend
time and money fighting the imposition of that regulatory mess, they are
working on a new front to simply deny land use under the guise of protecting us
from our own misguided dreams.
I don’t think we can beat these people with science and I don’t
think we can expose their real agenda because of the “soft speak” they
use to take over. What they “say” they are doing and what they want to do are
entirely different. Yesterday, Al Scalf actually grinned at us when he
said, “You’re
gonna pay for consultants and engineers and then you’re gonna pay us too!”
It is obvious that JeffCo/PT are working right out of the ICLEI
While they are taking over the regulating and managing of all our
land and resources – especially water. They are also focusing on energy and
hiring a special consultant to “conserve” resources. I can imagine what type of
resume they are looking for in the Resource Conservation Manager.
On This Page
Educating community members about climate change and other environmental concerns to a point where it results in behavior change, can be challenging. Although, when awareness of environmental issues is raised via targeted and well-publicized efforts, the experience gained by the local government can inform and inspire individual action, leading to substantial community-wide reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
Campaigns that rely solely on providing information rarely have the ability to change people’s behavior. Instead, a successful outreach campaign will focus on understanding not only which actions support the behavior you are trying to promote, but also on the specific factors that influence people to take those actions. Research has identified a set of tools to promote behavior change: obtaining commitments, using prompts, utilizing social norms, designing effective communications, providing incentives, and removing external barriers. Not all tools need to be utilized in any one campaign, but note that they are most effective when used in combination with each other.
This from the 10,000
Years Institute
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From: Jim Boyer
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 7:44 AM
To: 'Jim Hagen'; 'Larry Carter'; 'Craig Durgan'
Subject: FW: Land Use Death Panel Approved
We have to do something about this. But, I have no idea where to
From: Allen Frank
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:24 PM
To: 'Jim Boyer'
Subject: RE: Land Use Death Panel Approved
Sam Gibboney was part of the City of
She was one of the folks sucking the Stormwater Fund dry…..doing
things like Froggy Bottoms which is a stormwater collection pond.
She was an anti-growth obstruction specializing in finding
“wetlands” where no one else could.
Where did the Grant come from?? State??
Payoff to the 1000 Friends or whatever they are known as today??
Bob knows about Sam Gibboney too
From: Jim Boyer
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:02 PM
To: Jim Boyer
Subject: Land Use Death Panel Approved
Importance: High
activists Jill Silver and Sam GIbboney have received $500,000 in grant funding
to open the “Watershed Stewardship and
will become a part of Al Scalf’s Jefferson County Department of Community
its authority the WSRC will conduct “comprehensive site and ecosystem
evaluations”. Once the environmentalists ‘visit’ an applicant’s private
property, they will begin building a file detailing their concerns about watershed,
wetlands, protected species, native vegetation, slope hazards, trees, habitats,
geology, archeology, water availability, environmental sensitivity,
eco-function disturbance, environmental degradation, climate change and more.
you know someone who plans to build a home, a barn, a workshop, and ADU, a
garage or any other structure in
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